Including home workout equipment 

Many people enjoy going to the gym and working out. They may choose to attend an aerobic class where they have a specific routine to follow or simply use some of the popular gym equipment that might be available to them like a treadmill or cross trainer. However, many people enjoy the comfort of home gym equipment and like the chance that they can work out from home. It gives you greater flexibility and the opportunity to work out at a time that suits you, without being dictated to when it comes to opening times. But do you have everything that you need to ensure that you can make the most out of home gym equipment?

The expression “all the gear but no idea” springs to mind for some gym-goers and people who work out at home, especially if it is their first time. It isn’t about highlighting their newness to an exercise regime, but it is more about being informed of the type of activewear you need to be wearing and the right sort of things you need with you for a successful workout. You also need to be mindful that having the right home gym equipment is also essential. So I wanted to share with you everything you need to know to make sure that you can successfully work out at home. You’re welcome!

If you are looking for more advice on home gym equipment then have a look at:

Fitness Equipment voucher codes – These are our best fitness voucher codes that help you save money on your home gym equipment. 

Nutrition voucher codes – With the New Year almost here, it may be time to start a new fitness routine and healthy eating. Our voucher codes can help you to save money. 

Sports Clothes voucher codes – Sports clothes are essential when you start to work out. We have loads of voucher codes that can help you save money. 

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A dedicated area for your home gym equipment

One of the first things that you need to do is to ensure that you have a dedicated area for your home gym equipment. Even if your home is small, there are equipment options that you can choose from that store away easily. A treadmill that folds over to be stored in a cupboard. An exercise bike that can be neatly stored away. The options are endless. Having a dedicated area for your home gym equipment means that you won’t feel like it is taking over your life. So that you can still segregate the need for working out over your usual home lifestyle.  

How to make the most out of your home gym equipment

Many people struggle with working out at home for one very important reason. It can often feel like you have to be self-motivated to do it and you don’t have the necessary guidance that you might have when it comes to an instructor or personal trainer. But this is where home gym equipment has had a recent facelift. You now have companies like Peloton that provides bikes and treadmills with interactive workout screens so it can feel like you are running or biking somewhere. There are also instructors and live classes that can also make a big difference. There is even a workout mirror that enables you to work out in front of it with the guidance of a workout instructor through video. This means that home gym equipment really can feel like you are in the gym but from the comfort of your own home.  

If you are just starting out with your home gym then start with: 

Strength training – Strength training is a great way to start working out. You can use a wide range of home fitness equipment at home including:

Resistance bands – These are bands that can help you slowly build up your bottom, leg, or calf muscles. They are great if you have never exercised before as they are low impact and can be used while you are sat down. 

Yoga mat – From ab exercises to cooldowns, your yoga mat will be your best friend. You want it to be soft and comfy as you will be laid on it, alot! 

Weight plates – These are weights that you can use and hold when you squat, deadlift or row. Many weight plates come in cast iron and in different weight ranges. Make sure you start small and build up very slowly. 

Squat rack – A squat rack is great for when you get to the higher weights. This helps support the weight while you get in a comfy position and gives you somewhere to put the weight so you don’t have to lean all the way down to the floor. 

Cardio – Adding cardio to your workout is not only great for your heart but can help reduce your blood pressure as well. There are many ways you can add cardio to your routine which include:

Skipping rope – Using a skipping rope is a really easy way to get your heart rate up. Set yourself a small amount of time and see how you go. Keep increasing when you are ready.

Exercise bikes – If going outside for a ride in Winter feels you with dread then an exercise bike is just what you need. Riding your exercise bike before your strength training is a great way to get your cardio in and warm up all at the same time. 

Rowing machines – A rowing machine is great for many parts of your body. Not only are rowing machines great for cardio but they count towards muscle building as well. 

Wearable technology

There has been an increase in wearable technology recently, and some of it can be hugely beneficial to you when it comes to using home gym equipment. Things like a Fitbit or Apple Watch can log your workouts and heart rates, the number of steps you take and even how many calories you are potentially burning off. Making it easier than ever to track your progress and keep tabs on your fitness journey. This is essential as sometimes people prefer to use services at a gym like personal training or the guidance of an instructor. But having your watch or wearable technology capture your workouts and show the benefits and also the increases in things like fitness levels can massively help.  

Other ways to benefit from exercising at home

Using home gym equipment means that you can exercise at any time of the day. often the biggest excuse people have when it comes to not exercising is a serious lack of time. Their job might mean long hours, their commute makes it impossible, and even having a family can often mean your evenings and weekends are taken up with attention elsewhere. Having home gym equipment enables you the greater flexibility of working out at a time that suits you. That might be the morning, it might be late at night. It could be when everyone is in bed. But it gives you the chance to change your lifestyle for the better.  

The right sort of activewear

Let’s be honest here, you can’t make use of home gym equipment in casual clothes, your work attire or run on the treadmill in your jeans. We all need some sort of activewear to make the gym session and exercise comfortable while enabling our body to move freely and our skin to breathe as our heart rate increases. This is when having a decent pair of workout leggings or tracksuit pants teams with a vest or t-shirt is the ideal combination for working out. Many people go over the top and look like they have stepped out of a tv advertisement, but the main principle is to be comfortable and cool while exercising.  

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Protecting your feet and muscles

Your footwear is equally as important and can be dependent on the type of exercise you wish to take. The main concern is the sole of the trainer that you are wearing. They need to be cushioned enough so that when you are doing something high impact or with a high-intensity level, the vibrations from your foot up through your body are not going to be causing harm to your muscles. There are, of course, variations as to the type of footwear you can have. Running trainers, trainers specific for sports like tennis shoes or aerobic pumps, and other ones suitable for use on home gym equipment are important. Make sure you are wearing the right footwear for the exercise you want to take and protect those muscles.  

I hope that this has made you more aware of the benefits and the things that you can do to make the most out of working out from home.

Laura x 

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Having home gym equipment is one of the best ways you can stay fit. This is a beginners guide to what you need to workout at home by Laura at

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